Thursday, September 19, 2013


Black Boles in "What Could You Do with 20,000 Dollars" states many things you could with 20,000 dollars besides going to collage, students could be doing self learning and saving many in the process.Boles also states that collage might not even be for you, if is not clear what a student doesn't know what he/she wants to do than wait for collage and don't spend the money.Boles gives many examples of what 20,00 could do such as spending around 600 dollars on a whole book collection for self learning and for fun. If one on one teaching instead of a big class is better for a the student then take that money and get one on one teaching for a year which would 3000 dollars. Students also need money while they are out of school so the student could go invest in small or big companies to get their money back but also get more in return. If a student does not need to spend the money on a collage education that is not needed then don't.

 "What Could You Do with 20,000 Dollars" by Black Boles, is a very good eyeopener which in this case the video is correct because many students don't even need to go to collage and need to use the 20,000 on other things the student might need instead. The student might not know what he/ she is going to do for a carrier, so why go? The student should wait for collage, it is not for them yet. If the student stills wants to learn then the student should get a private tutor. They can still get almost the same education for much cheeper and at your chosen times. For 1,500 dollars a student could by a new Mac book, photoshop, and other new technology for more learning opportunities just the student would in collage. 1,000 dollars would let you travel the country and go to meetings that would help you find job opportunities. Over all the main point is that a student dose not have to go spend 20,000 on collage, go spend it on things that will help explore the world and help you learn in the process.


  1. Cameron- make sure you spell the author's name correctly. Proofread because you do not want personal words, misspellings, etc... Also, make sure your topic sentence contains a why statement. College not collage. Make sure to end with a concluding sentence. You have good ideas, you just need the proofreading help.

    Clarify your topic sentence of your response. Eliminate the unnecessary words. GO beyond the examples that Boyle gives out. Use some of your own to show your connections and your point. Proofread here as well. Personal words. Spelling, etc...


  2. Good job showing your opinion on the topic and how college isnt for everyone

  3. Good job projecting your voice. Don't pause as much.

  4. great arm movement, and you spoke clearly, but you should look more at the crowd.

  5. I Like your idea. I also liked that you knew what you wanted to say but keep saying the same thing. GoodJob

  6. Awesome hand motion, eye connection, Great speech

  7. Good opening question, good job taking a side, good response and ending question.

  8. Check your spelling, good job being prepared, good job asking them questions and giving your opinion and staying on one side, good job with the notes, two questions thats good.

  9. Nice attention getter. Had a notecard, Really good question.

  10. Great points but I would still go to college

  11. you need to make a little more eye contcat otherwise your presentation was very good

  12. Good opening question. Good notes and eye contact. Good ideas.

  13. You were very persuasive about how college is truly not for everyone, and there are alternatives that well help people go further in life. You spoke very clearly and made good eye contact.

  14. I completely agree with our points. great presentation. I also agree with the tutor theory. Over all great presentation!

  15. good opening question
    good points to backup your arguments
    good ending question
    good discussion with the class

  16. Good about presentation:Connects to everyone, great opening question, good clear points, good eye contact, you use the note cards well, great ending question, defend points really well

    Needs improving on presentation: Didn't see any big mistakes

  17. most people know what they want to do when they go to college that is how they chose what colleges what they want to go to because some colleges specialize in certain subjects

  18. good arguments, you leaned me in that direction.

  19. good presentation and good notes

  20. More eye contact. Nice opening statement

  21. I thought you had a good ending question that got a good discussion. I liked how you backed what you said with facts.

  22. good comments and notes
